RF Optimization Strategies for 4G/5G Networks in Multi-Cloud Environments

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Imran Khan
Phanindra Kumar Kankanampati
Abhishek Tangudu
Om Goel
Dr. Lalit Kumar
Prof.(Dr.) Arpit Jain


The rapid evolution of wireless communication technologies, particularly the transition from 4G to 5G, has significantly increased the complexity of Radio Frequency (RF) optimization. As networks increasingly adopt multi-cloud environments to leverage flexibility and scalability, the need for robust RF optimization strategies becomes critical. This paper explores various RF optimization techniques designed to enhance the performance, coverage, and capacity of 4G/5G networks within multi-cloud infrastructures. By integrating cloud-native solutions with traditional RF optimization methods, service providers can ensure seamless coordination between virtualized and physical network elements. We examine key challenges, including interference management, load balancing, and latency reduction, and propose innovative solutions that utilize machine learning algorithms, edge computing, and automation to improve spectral efficiency and user experience. The research emphasizes the importance of real-time monitoring and dynamic resource allocation, highlighting how multi-cloud environments can offer a new paradigm for scalable and efficient network optimization. These advancements in RF optimization play a pivotal role in ensuring high-quality, uninterrupted services in the next generation of wireless networks.

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How to Cite
Khan, I., Kankanampati, P. K., Tangudu, A., Goel, O., Kumar, D. L., & Jain, P. A. (2025). RF Optimization Strategies for 4G/5G Networks in Multi-Cloud Environments. Journal of Quantum Science and Technology (JQST), 2(1), Jan(613–627). Retrieved from https://jqst.org/index.php/j/article/view/179
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