Impact of Change Management Systems in Enterprise IT Operations

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Shachi Ghanshyam Sayata
Ashvini Byri
Sivaprasad Nadukuru
Om Goel
Niharika Singh
Prof.(Dr.) Arpit Jain


Change management systems play a critical role in ensuring smooth transitions and operational stability within enterprise IT operations. With the growing complexity of IT environments, enterprises face challenges in minimizing downtime, mitigating risks, and maintaining service continuity while implementing system updates and process changes. This study explores the impact of change management systems in enhancing efficiency, reducing operational risks, and improving the quality of IT service delivery. It highlights how structured change frameworks ensure better collaboration across teams, facilitate regulatory compliance, and align IT operations with business goals. Additionally, the research discusses key elements such as automation, incident management, and risk assessment integrated within modern change management systems. By evaluating real-world use cases, the study emphasizes the value of adopting proactive change management strategies in driving continuous improvement and fostering agility in enterprise IT operations.


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How to Cite
Sayata, S. G., Byri, A., Nadukuru, S., Goel, O., Singh, N., & Jain, P. A. (2024). Impact of Change Management Systems in Enterprise IT Operations. Journal of Quantum Science and Technology (JQST), 1(4), Nov(125–149). Retrieved from
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Musunuri, A., Goel, P., & Renuka, A. (2023). Innovations in Multicore Network Processor Design for Enhanced Performance. Innovative Research Thoughts, 9(3), Article 1460. Available at.

Mokkapati, Chandrasekhara, Punit Goel, and Ujjawal Jain. (2023). Optimizing Multi-Cloud Deployments: Lessons from Large-Scale Retail Implementation. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 8(12). Retrieved from

Tangudu, Abhishek, Akshun Chhapola, and Shalu Jain. (2023). Enhancing Salesforce Development Productivity through Accelerator Packages. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 12(2), 73–88. Retrieved from

Mokkapati, C., Goel, P., & Aggarwal, A. (2023). Scalable microservices architecture: Leadership approaches for high-performance retail systems. Darpan International Research Analysis, 11(1), 92.

Mokkapati, C., Jain, S., & Pandian, P. K. G. (2023). Implementing CI/CD in retail enterprises: Leadership insights for managing multi-billion dollar projects. Shodh Sagar: Innovative Research Thoughts, 9(1), Article 1458.

Tangudu, A., Chhapola, A., & Jain, S. (2023). Integrating Salesforce with third-party platforms: Challenges and best practices. International Journal for Research Publication & Seminar, 14(4), 229.

Tangudu, A., Jain, S., & Pandian, P. K. G. (2023). Developing scalable APIs for data synchronization in Salesforce environments. Darpan International Research Analysis, 11(1), 75.

Tangudu, A., Chhapola, A., & Jain, S. (2023). Leveraging lightning web components for modern Salesforce UI development. Innovative Research Thoughts: Refereed & Peer Reviewed International Journal, 9(2), 1-10.

Alahari, Jaswanth, Amit Mangal, Swetha Singiri, Om Goel, and Punit Goel. 2023. "The Impact of Augmented Reality (AR) on User Engagement in Automotive Mobile Applications." Innovative Research Thoughts 9(5):202–12. doi:10.36676/irt.v9.i5.1483.

Alahari, Jaswanth, Dasaiah Pakanati, Harshita Cherukuri, Om Goel, and Prof. (Dr.) Arpit Jain. 2023. "Best Practices for Integrating OAuth in Mobile Applications for Secure Authentication." SHODH SAGAR® Universal Research Reports 10(4):385.

Vijayabaskar, Santhosh, Amit Mangal, Swetha Singiri, A. Renuka, and Akshun Chhapola. 2023. "Leveraging Blue Prism for Scalable Process Automation in Stock Plan Services." Innovative Research Thoughts 9(5):216.

Vijayabaskar, Santhosh, Pattabi Rama Rao Thumati, Pavan Kanchi, Shalu Jain, and Raghav Agarwal. 2023. "Integrating Cloud-Native Solutions in Financial Services for Enhanced Operational Efficiency." SHODH SAGAR® Universal Research Reports 10(4):402.

Voola, Pramod Kumar, Sowmith Daram, Aditya Mehra, Om Goel, and Shubham Jain. 2023. "Data Streaming Pipelines in Life Sciences: Improving Data Integrity and Compliance in Clinical Trials." Innovative Research Thoughts 9(5):231. DOI:

Voola, Pramod Kumar, Srikanthudu Avancha, Bipin Gajbhiye, Om Goel, and Ujjawal Jain. 2023. "Automation in Mobile Testing: Techniques and Strategies for Faster, More Accurate Testing in Healthcare Applications." Shodh Sagar® Universal Research Reports 10(4):420.

Salunkhe, Vishwasrao, Dheerender Thakur, Kodamasimham Krishna, Om Goel, and Arpit Jain. 2023. "Optimizing Cloud-Based Clinical Platforms: Best Practices for HIPAA and HITRUST Compliance." Innovative Research Thoughts 9(5):247–247.

Salunkhe, Vishwasrao, Shreyas Mahimkar, Sumit Shekhar, Prof. (Dr.) Arpit Jain, and Prof. (Dr.) Punit Goel. 2023. "The Role of IoT in Connected Health: Improving Patient Monitoring and Engagement in Kidney Dialysis." SHODH SAGAR® Universal Research Reports 10(4):437. doi:

Agrawal, Shashwat, Agrawal, Shashwat, Pranav Murthy, Ravi Kumar, Shalu Jain, and Raghav Agarwal. 2023. "Data-Driven Decision Making in Supply Chain Management." Innovative Research Thoughts 9(5):265–71. DOI:

Agrawal, Shashwat, Venkata Ramanaiah Chintha, Vishesh Narendra Pamadi, Anshika Aggarwal, and Punit Goel. 2023. "The Role of Predictive Analytics in Inventory Management." Shodh Sagar Universal Research Reports 10(4):456.

Hajari, V. R., Benke, A. P., Goel, P. (Dr.), Jain, A. (Dr.), & Goel, O. (Er.). (2024). Advances in high-frequency surgical device design and safety. Shodh Sagar Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(3), 269.

Hajari, V. R., Benke, A. P., Goel, O., Pandian, P. K. G., Goel, P., & Chhapola, A. (2024). Innovative techniques for software verification in medical devices. SHODH SAGAR® International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 15(3), 239.

Hajari, V. R., Benke, A. P., Jain, S., Aggarwal, A., & Jain, U. (2024). Optimizing signal and power integrity in high-speed digital systems. Shodh Sagar: Innovative Research Thoughts, 10(3), 99.

Mokkapati, C., Jain, S., & Pandian, P. K. G. (2024). Reducing technical debt through strategic leadership in retail technology systems. SHODH SAGAR® Universal Research Reports, 11(4), 195.

Hajari, V. R., Chawda, A. D., Khan, S., Goel, O., & Verma, P. (2024). Developing cost-effective digital PET scanners: Challenges and solutions. Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions, 1(2), 1-10.

Hajari, Venudhar Rao, Abhip Dilip Chawda, Punit Goel, A. Renuka, and Lagan Goel. 2024. "Embedded Systems Design for High-Performance Medical Applications." Shodh Sagar® Innovative Research Thoughts 10(3):160.

Alahari, Jaswanth, Abhishek Tangudu, Chandrasekhara Mokkapati, Om Goel, and Arpit Jain. 2024. "Implementing Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines for Large-Scale iOS Applications." SHODH SAGAR® Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):522.

Alahari, J., Chintha, V. R., Pamadi, V. N., Aggarwal, A., & Gupta, V. (2024). Strategies for managing localization and internationalization in large-scale iOS applications. International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJRMEET), 12(8), 1–12.

Hajari, V. R., Chawda, A. D., Chhapola, A., Pandian, P. K. G., & Goel, O. (2024). Automation strategies for medical device software testing. Shodh Sagar Universal Research Reports, 11(4), 145.

Vijayabaskar, Santhosh, Kumar Kodyvaur Krishna Murthy, Saketh Reddy Cheruku, Akshun Chhapola, and Om Goel. 2024. “Optimizing Cross-Functional Teams in Remote Work Environments for Product Development.” Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):188. doi:10.36676/mdmp.v1.i2.20.

Vijayabaskar, S., Antara, F., Chopra, P., Renuka, A., & Goel, O. (2024). Using Alteryx for advanced data analytics in financial technology. International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJRMEET), 12(8).

Voola, Pramod Kumar, Dasaiah Pakanati, Harshita Cherukuri, A Renuka, and Prof. (Dr.) Punit Goel. 2024. "Ethical AI in Healthcare: Balancing Innovation with Privacy and Compliance." Shodh Sagar Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):389. doi:

Voola, Pramod Kumar, Aravind Ayyagari, Aravindsundeep Musunuri, Anshika Aggarwal, and Shalu Jain. 2024. "Leveraging GenAI for Clinical Data Analysis: Applications and Challenges in Real-Time Patient Monitoring." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):204. doi:

Salunkhe, Vishwasrao, Pattabi Rama Rao Thumati, Pavan Kanchi, Akshun Chhapola, and Om Goel. 2024. "EHR Interoperability Challenges: Leveraging HL7 FHIR for Seamless Data Exchange in Healthcare." Shodh Sagar® Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):403.

Salunkhe, Vishwasrao, Abhishek Tangudu, Chandrasekhara Mokkapati, Punit Goel, and Anshika Aggarwal. 2024. "Advanced Encryption Techniques in Healthcare IoT: Securing Patient Data in Connected Medical Devices." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):22. doi:

Voola, P. K., Mangal, A., Singiri, S., Chhapola, A., & Jain, S. (2024). "Enhancing test engineering through AI and automation: Case studies in the life sciences industry." International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJRMEET), 12(8).

Salunkhe, V., Daram, S., Mehra, A., Jain, S., & Agarwal, R. (2024). "Leveraging microservices architecture in healthcare: Enhancing agility and performance in clinical applications." International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJRMEET), 12(8), 1-15.

Agrawal, Shashwat, Raja Kumar Kolli, Shanmukha Eeti, Punit Goel, and Arpit Jain. 2024. "Impact of Lean Six Sigma on Operational Efficiency in Supply Chain Management." Shodh Sagar® Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):420.

Agrawal, Shashwat, Krishna Gangu, Pandi Kirupa Gopalakrishna, Raghav Agarwal, and Prof. (Dr.) Arpit Jain. 2024. "Sustainability in Supply Chain Planning." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):23.

Mahadik, Siddhey, Shreyas Mahimkar, Sumit Shekhar, Om Goel, and Prof. Dr. Arpit Jain. 2024. "The Impact of Machine Learning on Gaming Security." Shodh Sagar Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):435. Retrieved ( doi:10.36676/dira.v12.i3.100.

Mahadik, Siddhey, Dasaiah Pakanati, Harshita Cherukuri, Shubham Jain, and Shalu Jain. 2024. “Cross-Functional Team Management in Product Development.” Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):24.

Agrawal, S., Thakur, D., Krishna, K., Goel, P., & Singh, S. P. (2024). Enhancing supply chain resilience through digital transformation. International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology, 12(8).

Khair, Md Abul, Venkata Ramanaiah Chintha, Vishesh Narendra Pamadi, Shubham Jain, and Shalu Jain. 2024. "Leveraging Oracle HCM for Enhanced Employee Engagement." Shodh Sagar Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):456. DOI:

Khair, Md Abul, Pattabi Rama Rao Thumati, Pavan Kanchi, Ujjawal Jain, and Prof. (Dr.) Punit Goel. 2024. "Integration of Oracle HCM with Third-Party Tools." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):25. Retrieved ( doi:

Arulkumaran, Rahul, Aravind Ayyagari, Aravindsundeep Musunuri, Prof. (Dr.) Punit Goel, and Prof. (Dr.) Arpit Jain. 2024. "Blockchain Analytics for Enhanced Security in DeFi Platforms." Shodh Sagar®Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):475.

Arulkumaran, Rahul, Pattabi Rama Rao Thumati, Pavan Kanchi, Lagan Goel, and Prof. (Dr.) Arpit Jain. 2024. "Cross-Chain NFT Marketplaces with LayerZero and Chainlink." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2): Jul-Sep. doi:10.36676/mdmp.v1.i2.26.

Agarwal, Nishit, Raja Kumar Kolli, Shanmukha Eeti, Arpit Jain, and Punit Goel. 2024. "Multi-Sensor Biomarker Using Accelerometer and ECG Data." SHODH SAGAR® Darpan International Research Analysis 12(3):494.

Agarwal, Nishit, Rikab Gunj, Fnu Antara, Pronoy Chopra, A Renuka, and Punit Goel. 2024. "Hyper Parameter Optimization in CNNs for EEG Analysis." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):27. Hyderabad, Telangana, India: Modern Dynamics. doi:

Murali Mohana Krishna Dandu, Santhosh Vijayabaskar, Pramod Kumar Voola, Raghav Agarwal, & Om Goel. (2024). "Cross Category Recommendations Using LLMs." Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(1), 80–107.

Murali Mohana Krishna Dandu, Rahul Arulkumaran, Nishit Agarwal, Anshika Aggarwal, & Prof.(Dr) Punit Goel. (2024). "Improving Neural Retrieval with Contrastive Learning." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions, 1(2), 399–425.

Vanitha Sivasankaran Balasubramaniam, Murali Mohana Krishna Dandu, A Renuka, Om Goel, & Nishit Agarwal. (2024). "Enhancing Vendor Management for Successful IT Project Delivery." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions, 1(2), 370–398.

Vanitha Sivasankaran Balasubramaniam, Vishwasrao Salunkhe, Shashwat Agrawal, Prof.(Dr) Punit Goel, Vikhyat Gupta, & Dr. Alok Gupta. (2024). "Optimizing Cross Functional Team Collaboration in IT Project Management." Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(1), 140–179.

Archit Joshi, Siddhey Mahadik, Md Abul Khair, Om Goel, & Prof.(Dr.) Arpit Jain. (2024). Leveraging System Browsers for Enhanced Mobile Ad Conversions. Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(1), 180–206.

Krishna Kishor Tirupati, Rahul Arulkumaran, Nishit Agarwal, Anshika Aggarwal, & Prof.(Dr) Punit Goel. (2024). Integrating Azure Services for Real Time Data Analytics and Big Data Processing. Darpan International Research Analysis, 12(1), 207–232.

Krishna Kishor Tirupati, Dr S P Singh, Sivaprasad Nadukuru, Shalu Jain, & Raghav Agarwal. (2024). Improving Database Performance with SQL Server Optimization Techniques. Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions, 1(2), 450–494.

Krishna Kishor Tirupati, Archit Joshi, Dr S P Singh, Akshun Chhapola, Shalu Jain, & Dr. Alok Gupta. (2024). Leveraging Power BI for Enhanced Data Visualization and Business Intelligence. Universal Research Reports, 10(2), 676–711.

Archit Joshi, Krishna Kishor Tirupati, Akshun Chhapola, Shalu Jain, & Om Goel,. (2024). Architectural Approaches to Migrating Key Features in Android Apps. Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions, 1(2), 495–539.

Sivaprasad Nadukuru, Murali Mohana Krishna Dandu, Vanitha Sivasankaran Balasubramaniam, A Renuka, & Om Goel. 2024. "Enhancing Order to Cash Processes in SAP Sales and Distribution." Darpan International Research Analysis 12(1):108–139.

Sivaprasad Nadukuru, Dasaiah Pakanati, Harshita Cherukuri, Om Goel, Dr. Shakeb Khan, & Dr. Alok Gupta. 2024. "Leveraging Vendavo for Strategic Pricing Management and Profit Analysis." Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions 1(2):426–449.

Pagidi, Ravi Kiran, Vishwasrao Salunkhe, Pronoy Chopra, Aman Shrivastav, Punit Goel, and Om Goel. 2024. "Scalable Data Pipelines Using Azure Data Factory and Databricks." International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering 13(1):93-120.

Pagidi, Ravi Kiran, Rahul Arulkumaran, Shreyas Mahimkar, Aayush Jain, Shakeb Khan, and Arpit Jain. 2024. "Optimizing Big Data Workflows in Azure Databricks Using Python and Scala." International Journal of Worldwide Engineering Research 2(9):35

Kshirsagar, Rajas Paresh, Phanindra Kumar Kankanampati, Ravi Kiran Pagidi, Aayush Jain, Shakeb Khan, and Arpit Jain. 2024. "Optimizing Cloud Infrastructure for Scalable Data Processing Solutions." International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE) 13(1):21–48.

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