Strategies for Migrating Large-Scale Systems to Cloud Infrastructure
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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, migrating large-scale systems to cloud infrastructure has become a strategic imperative for organizations seeking enhanced scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency. This paper explores a comprehensive framework for cloud migration, addressing the multifaceted challenges associated with transitioning from legacy systems to modern cloud-based environments. By integrating detailed system assessments, risk management, and phased migration approaches, the study outlines best practices for minimizing operational disruptions while optimizing performance. Emphasis is placed on leveraging hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, rearchitecting applications to harness cloud-native capabilities, and employing automation to streamline deployment and monitoring processes. Drawing on real-world case studies and industry benchmarks, the paper offers actionable insights that empower enterprises to navigate the complexities of large-scale system migration, ultimately fostering a resilient and future-ready IT infrastructure.
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